Appease and Undermine Constellation Relationship

Appease and Undermine, known as An Huai (安坏) in Chinese, is a constellation relationship in which one tends to placate while the other inclines to damage.
In an Appease (A) and Undermine (U) relationship, the Appease individual is usually soft, caring, and tolerant, while the Undermine individual is passionate, willful, emotional, and somewhat controlling.
It applies to all types of relationships between lovers, friends, families, coworkers, etc.

A and U can be entirely different people in a romantic relationship, but their mutual attraction is usually quite strong and passionate.
They are likely to fall in love at first sight, ignoring all reality-related issues and quickly getting involved in a romantic relationship.
The A side would be very caring, attentive, receptive, and able to put up with most flaws and emotions of the U side while indulging in U's passion.
The U side would be ardent, courageous, sentimental, sometimes reckless, and likely to consciously and unconsciously do or say things that may undermine their relationship.

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There are three types of Appease and Undermine relationships: Short Distance, Middle Distance, and Long Distance.
Short Distance Appease and Undermine Relationship
In a Short Distance A and U relationship, the attractive and destructive power is quite strong, especially from the U side.
The U side usually falls and takes the initiative first; after the A side falls in love, U becomes emotional and blows hot and cold.
If A comes to their senses and wants to leave, U would become ardent again.
This pattern would keep repeating until U realizes A's great value and becomes stable and serious, or they end everything after wearing out A's patience and U's passion.

Middle Distance Appease and Undermine Relationship
In a Middle Distance A and U relationship, both sides are more equal and like to challenge each other.
The attraction is strong, and both sides can take the initiative in the beginning.
Afterward, A and U would take turns leading, which may lead to challenging and distrustful experiences.
Middle Distance A and U can be good romantic relationships if A is comparably softer and U can completely trust A.

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Long Distance Appease and Undermine Relationship
In a Long Distance A and U relationship, the attractive and destructive power is relatively weaker.
Similarly, A is less tolerant, and U is less ardent.
Therefore, they are comparatively slower in starting a relationship and in milder and more rational ways.