Jeopardize and Complete Constellation Relationship

Jeopardize and Complete, known as Wei Cheng (危成) in Chinese, is a constellation relationship in which one helps and leads the other to grow and succeed, while the other follows, admires, and sometimes endangers the relationship.
It applies to all types of relationships between lovers, friends, families, coworkers, etc.

In a Jeopardize (J) and Complete (C) relationship, C is the more mature one who is influential, tolerant, and helpful, while J is the follower who applauds and adapts, and sometimes might harm C if J is unconfident, insecure, or willful.
C and J are usually very different but can be complementary, and they are likely to form a relationship in which both can improve and be happy.

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There are three Jeopardize and Complete Relationship types: Short Distance, Middle Distance, and Long Distance.
Short Distance Jeopardize and Complete Relationship
In general, in a Short Distance J and C relationship, C would be beneficial in leading J in growing and progressing, and J might hurt C to some extent.
In romantic relationships, Short Distance J and C easily find each other attractive, sometimes exaggeratedly.
Hence, J would take the initiative and be more passionate, involved, and affectionate.
After becoming stable, C might return to reality and find shortcomings of J, and J might become insecure and emotional.
The tolerance and maturity of C would be the most influential factor in the relationship.
The key is that C could appreciate while J keeps improving.

Middle Distance Jeopardize and Complete Relationship
The Middle Distance is the most comfortable and successful J and C relationship.
Their mutual attraction, in the beginning, is not very strong, and both sides are relatively rational and mature; hence, they might spend a long time getting to know each other in this flirty, sending vague signals period.
If they can build a serious, stable relationship, they will be lovers in romance and wonderful teammates who can achieve happiness and progress in all aspects.

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Long Distance Jeopardize and Complete Relationship
In a Long Distance J and C relationship, they have a weaker connection, making it unlikely for them to end up together.
They are attracted to each other but not determined enough to commit, or they always encounter some reasons that keep them apart, such as changing location because of work.
To build a lasting, stable relationship, they must be soul mates, have a strong will, and have practical plans to overcome everything and be together.